
Average score 956 Reviews
largeaud favreau genevieve noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I always return to this restaurant with pleasure (Original) Je retourne dans se restaurant toujours avec plaisir

8 months ago
Celia L'hereec noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very pleasant staff, nice setting overall good and large choice Own (Original) Personnel très agréable, joli cadre globalement bon et grand choix Propre

8 months ago
Ledemineur Faco noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good restaurant and the employees are great my food is delicious (Original) Très bon restaurant et led employés sont super ma nourriture est délicieuse

8 months ago
Adeline Rekhila noted on Google

9 months ago
Anais Le Penru noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very nice place, 10 of us were there and we were very well received. Very smiling waitress choice in the buffet we had a lovely evening (Original) Endroit fort sympathique nous y avons été à 10 et nous avons super bien été reçu. Serveuse très souriante choix dans le buffet nous avons passez une belle soirée

9 months ago
josephine Grassi noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Always the same pleasure for the palate and the eyes (Original) Toujours le même plaisir pour le palais et les yeux

9 months ago
ecurie debillon noted on Google

9 months ago
Patrick Gaul noted on Google

9 months ago
Alexandre Degallaix noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good buffet choice and quality Pleasant staff I recommend 👍 (Original) Très bon buffet choix et qualité Personnel agréable Je recommande 👍

9 months ago
Joelle Brunot noted on Google

(Translated by Google) While passing through Niort, the hotel where we were staying recommended this restaurant to us Indeed fresh products, choice and very welcoming and professional staff. We will come back if we come back to Niort. Would not change a thing (Original) De passage à niort l hôtel où nous étions nous a conseillé ce restaurant Effectivement produits frais, du choix et personnel très accueillant et professionnel. Nous reviendrons si nous revenons à niort . Ne changez rien

9 months ago

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